Tag Archive | Winter Solstice

Can You Wish a Witch a Merry Christmas – Revisited

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Each year I pull up and dust off a blog post I wrote a few years ago entitled “Can You Wish a Witch a Merry Christmas?”

In this past week I have gone to 2 carol concerts, and I have a third to go to next week. I will be meeting friends for a Christmas luncheon later today. In the coming week my children and I will be putting up our Pagan Solstice tree. We will be having our family celebratory meal on the Solstice, but come the morning of the 25th my sons and I will be waking to stockings from Father Christmas and a round of gift-giving, followed by Christmas dinner with their aunt and uncle and cousins and even more gift giving.

The answer then, and now is a most resounding “Yes!” Or, you can say Happy Holidays, or Joyous Yule. Whatever words you use to express your joy, however you may celebrate, it’s all okay.

Christmas is one of many celebrations around the Winter Solstice, celebrated by people from cultures across the world. So much so that many practices and beliefs have merged and crossed to create a secular celebration which is observed by many, whether they follow a religious practice or not.

Since Mabon at the Autumnal Equinox the days have been growing shorter, the nights longer. The Winter Solstice is a time when we welcome back the Sun. On this day it seems to stand still in the sky, neither moving further away nor growing closer, but from this day until the Summer Solstice the days will begin to gradually lengthen once again. Light triumphs over darkness and the world is reborn.

Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, Jews celebrate Hanukkah, Hindus celebrate Pancha Ganapati, Persians celebrate Sadeh and Chahar Shanbeh Suri. to name but a few amongst many world holy days. What these all have in common is the celebration of the triumph of light (the sun/Son) over darkness.

That sounds like a good reason to celebrate to me.

Feel free to tell me Happy Christmas, and I will wish you a Merry Christmas or a Joyous Yule in return.

A Simple Yule Ritual

When it is just me and my children celebrating the Sabbats, we tend to do something very simple, short and sweet. For instance, today we are putting up our Solstice Yule tree, and so while we are decorating, I will light some candles and we will talk about how we celebrate Yule as the shortest day of the year, longest night. And about how this marks the midpoint of winter, from the Winter Solstice until Summer Solstice, the days will gradually grow longer.

Several years back, when we had extended family around, we did this ritual to celebrate Yule.

winter solstice

Winter Solstice

Yule Ritual

Altar Set-up
As usual, except South candle is not lit
Only candle lit should be the Source candle
One small candle for each person around the edge of the altar.

The Circle is created.

We gather tonight to await new light. In ancient times it is said that a maiden prepared to become a mother, to bring forth a special Son who would bring in a new age. On the night, the Maiden, who is also Mother and Crone, prepares to welcome the Sun, the light of a new year. Let us now prepare ourselves to welcome the new light within.

HP extinguishes source candle

Once again the wheel has turned full circle. It is Winter Solstice – night of the longest darkness, as the Sun awaits in the shadows. We meet to call him back, Return, O Lord of Light! Be reborn this night, as the great wheel of life must ever turn.
As we wait in darkness, we are surrounded by the great Celestial Sphere, where we may look upon the faces of the Mighty Ones and see in them a reflection of our own eternal souls. I now do call upon their energies to shine within us as I proclaim this to be a circle of power, truth, love, and light reborn.

HPS lights the Source candle

I call the God. Return from the shadows, O Lord of Light. The wheel has turned. We call you back to warm us, to charge the seeds of spring within us, within the hearts of all.

HP lights the God candle from the source candle

I hear you, Lady. I greet you with joy and with the first light of new possibilities that were only dreams when last we met to turn the wheel.

HPS lights the Goddess candle from the source candle

I greet you Lord with joy and with the rays of hope for a new beginning in the future to come.

Come to me. I bring you new light.

As tonight a Sun is reborn, as darkness gives way to light, so should we now let go of all fears, all doubts, all outworn ideas, all projects finished – anything in our lives that holds us away from the new beginnings that will lead to new growth. As you light your candle, let go of the past, walk with the light, and be as the Sun reborn.

HPS directs each person present to pick up the white candle on the altar and move clockwise around the circle. As each passes the HP, he lights the candle from the God candle.

During this time the HPS lights the South candle from the source candle.
People set their candles around the edge of the altar once all have returned to their place.

Now is the time for feasting and celebrating.

Once completed, the circle is closed using the usual method.

blessed be broom

Find this on Zazzle

For more Solstice ideas

The Winter Solstice: The Sacred Traditions of Christmas – US Link

UK Link