Tag Archive | Deity

Day 1: 30 Days of Devotion

The Cailleach

A brief introduction

The Cailleach is a Deity that I have been familiar with for many years, but only on the periphery. I didn’t really know a lot about Her until She started tapping me on the head last winter.

It was then that I began getting hints and messages about becoming a priestess of The Cailleach. At the beginning of March, with the help of a friend I did some journey work and spoke to Her about the idea. There She and I ironed out our agreement on what She wants from me, and what She will give me in turn.

My first task over the past 6 months has been to discover more about this ancient Goddess of the British Isles.

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Coming Together From Transformation

Recently, with my 50th birthday celebration, I have been looking at who I am as an elder in life and in the Pagan community. As I’ve looked back on who I was and who I have become (or how I have more fully become me instead of trying to be someone for everyone else) I have found myself considering how I want to mark this occasion. High on my list is inviting a small group of trusted women friends into my home to help me mark the occasion. (This is a major big deal for me.)

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